If we had any doubt about how we feel about our little man (and I don't think we did), the trip to the orphanage today made it very clear. We left the hotel a little before 9:00 for the 2 hour drive. The second we got out of the car, at the orphanage David started to cry. He cried longer, louder and harder than we have ever heard him. (I realize that's only a couple of days, but they've been pretty traumatic days.) He was absolutely inconsolable. We found out that he left foster care a week before Gotcha Day and was returned to the orphanage. I'm sure he thought we were bringing him back again. It was heartbreaking. He didn't stop screaming until we were several miles down the road and his tummy was full of milk. Still, I'm glad we had the chance to see where he spent his first months and take pictures for him to have as he gets older and has questions about where he is from. The orphange also gave us a cd with children's songs they play for the babies, so we're happy to have some familiar music to play for him at home.
We made up for the traumatic morning with a really great afternoon. He learned to play ball today--actually roll/throw it back and forth. His accuracy could still use some work, but this is a big improvement from licking the ball, which is all he's done up to this point. He was very proud of some of his throws and even clapped for himself a couple of times. He is also loving pulling to a stand and walking with his hands held. He's making more sounds every day. Sometimes when he wants something he will shout "eh!" like he's from Brooklyn, and when he wants someone's attention he screams "yo!" It's pretty hilarious.
Kevin feels my thank you yesterday was insufficient and would like me to say thanks again for all the comments. We really enjoy reading them every day when we check the blog. We're glad we can share this with everyone at home.
On the road to Dianjiang
Enjoying some lunch
Playroom in the hotel
L. Lisa and I have walked and are now loving the dance moves!!! I think he's soon to be ready for "Dancing with the Stars" !!!
My favorite is the mad face. I suspect it was hard for you all not to laugh at him!!!
Great Uncle Bruce and I think a Gamecock shirt is in order!!! Which did he wear first...Duke or Ill.?? L.Lisa thinks he needs one from her school, The Fighting Banana Slugs of UCSC!
We send love and hugs and Ps. 91:11
Great Aunt Judy, Great Uncle Bruce(who says he always was a great uncle) and Cousin Lisa.
Sorry if this comes up twice...my computer is not cooperating this morning.
I love seeing all of his smiles and his laughing in the video. He already feels safe and secure with his family. Great mad face, too - every toddler needs to know how to work that ;)
You knew each other in your hearts long before you met!
Can't wait until next week!
SC Grandparental units :)
We're really enjoying updates, photos, and video! Amanda's been writing "DAVID" and drawing artwork of him. She can't wait to meet him!
Katie finally showed me how to add comments!! Congratulations Mommy and Daddy! David Adams is adorable and I loved the many faces! We are very happy and excited awaiting your return. Love, Great Aunt Barb
Mara, I love your blog and I have just been crying and crying tears of happiness for you. Call me a weirdo, but I am so happy for you and Kevin and your absolutely adorable little David! I can't wait to see him in person in July! Don't worry, Braedan is a hitter too!!! :-) (and a pincher! and some days a biter - we're working on that one!!!) I love you guys and can't wait to see you soon! Alexa
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