Here is the enormous picture of Chairman Mao--Kevin's favorite.

Us at the Great Wall. I am freezing.
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend
Off to work the estate sale at church. Last night was the wine tasting and preview sale, tons of people asked about you - the Darbys, Huiets, Nicholsons, Fanchers, Molly Copp, Robin & Marnie Smith, Lumpkins, James, and more. Many are following your blog - great idea, Mara!
Maby your next hotle will let you use the hair dryer - from the weather, doesn't look like it would matter.
Love, Mom
Nothing says vacation like a brothel.
HI !!
Hey Mara....THANKS for keeping up with the blog. Really helps to keep us anxious folks up to speed on what exciting things you and Kev are up to. !
Rich and Sue
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