An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

David's kind of town

We're making progress on the sleep front. The last couple of nights David has slept from 7:30ish until 4:00ish. There's still room for improvement, but I think we're all feeling much better.
In his short time home, David has already made friends. He had a play date with the lovely Evie at the park yesterday and got to hang out with Gus and Eli this morning. He really seems to enjoy the swings.
We had a very big first today for David and Kevin--our first trip downtown. We took a quick trip to Millennium Park and the lakefront. It was a beautiful day (if you don't mind needing a coat in late May), and David really seemed to enjoy himself. He leaned forward in his stroller, pointed and jibber jabbered to himself for most of the trip. Our other big first today was his first kiss. He started and ended with a head butt, but in between was definitely an intentional kiss of the wet, open-mouthed, toddler variety.
Tonight it's dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Maas before they leave on their Alaskan cruise.

At the park with Evie and Nate

Snoopy likes to help at bathtime (and by help I mean jump in the tub and eat the toys).

Millennium Park (How great is picture #3? So pleased with myself.)

Lake Michigan

He's not sleeping. He's eating his stroller.


Lao Lao and Lao Ye said...

Well, a few toys and a good dog and bathtime is looking better!

Nate and Kevin look happy and Evie and David looked quite concerned - what's going on behind the camera :)

Thanks for the update - I was having severe withdrawal!


Anonymous said...

So glad that you guys are adjusting well! David looks so happy! MK loves the swing as well and would prefer to stay in that as much as possible. So glad to hear that the cleft appointment went well...congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're all getting some sleep! And I love all of your pictures. Isn't it funny how being a parent makes you want to become a professional photographer? Just make sure you get Kevin in the habit of taking pics, too, so you'll have plenty with you in it (ie please do a better job of this than I have done with my Kevin).

Anonymous said...

Bravo on pic #3...what a lucky kid to have such parents that will take advantage of all that Chicago has to offer. And 8 hours of sleep??? I am still trying to achieve that...

Anonymous said...

Well, welcome to parenthood! The sleep will improve.... I am sooo happy that he won't need surgery!!You both look like pros..(including Snoopy) Young David is really the king of the town! Take care. Remember I am here for you!!! love-Josy
P.s. Evie & David look sooo cute

Anonymous said...

cking out snoopy in the photo, I do see that she has "devil eyes" and that must account for her getting into soooo much trouble. It is also apparent from the red rims that she has been kept awake by David and probably needs a sleeping aid!!

Love the pictures and yes, you should be proud. Not only is that one a keeper, you could probably sell it or win a photo contest with it.

Aunt Judy