An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Little Emperor

The Chinese have a term for spoiled only sons under the one child policy. It is Little Emperor. I think we might have one on our hands. We are growing increasingly suspicious that David was a bit spoiled with his foster family. Though he has all the skills necessary to finger feed himself and has done it on a few desperate occasions, he would rather bend over and lick a Cheerio of our hand than pick it up and put it in his own mouth. Today he was in his stroller while we visited Ciqikou, he kept leaning out of his stroller, looking back at me, shouting "eh!" and sticking out his tongue when he wanted a snack. If I offered one for him to feed himself, he would throw it on the ground. We were also warned by one of the nannies at the orphanage that he is a hitter. She couldn't speak English, but it was pretty clear what she was trying to tell us when she pointed at David and started slapping everything in sight. He hits mostly when he is excited but has done it from time to time when he's not getting his way. He slapped the ground with both hands so hard when we were playing ball yesterday, that he accidentally whacked his head, too. Look for us on Supernanny in a couple of years.
Candied fruits at a shop in Ciqikou.

Kevin, who clearly does not share my fear of burns, lighting incense at a Buddhist temple in Ciqikou.
David loves to watch us throw the ball up in the air. Then when we hand it back to him, he looks up like he's trying to figure out how to do it himself. So cute.

There was minimal napping today due to our schedule. David crashed for about 20 minutes before dinner and was a beast at the restaurant.


Anonymous said...

Such good stuff! I need my David blog fix every day ;) You have an eager audience here.

Would there an advantage to him not wanting to feed himself right now? I wonder if it would cut down on the frustration after his operation when he's NOT able to feed himself for awhile if he wasn't already insistent on doing it himself?

What a cutie he is!!!!!!


Dad and Mom M said...

WOW!! Yet MORE great pictures of the three of you. I was hoping there would be some this AM to brighten our day, so THANKS !

There is a radio commercial which runs occasionally here in the Land Of Lincoln. In essence, the grandparents call their children and say, "Hey.....there have not been any new pictures of our grandchild posted on your site for a day or two now. What gives? "

I used to think that commercial was pretty lame.....being wiser now, I see it makes PERFECT sense!!

Have a great weekend !

Love, Dad, Rich, Grandpa

Anonymous said...


I'm just now getting on the blog and enjoyed reading all of your entries. THANKS for keeping us all posted as I'm sure you and Kevin are staying busy and probably tired, too!

So excited for the three of you! He's a cutie and I can't wait to meet him in person!

Unknown said...

Maraa and Kevin-There was no new posting this morning when I first checked and I can't tell you how let down I was-I need my morning Maas family fix! Was so tickled to find it just now. What a clever (and cute)young man you have. He really is your son! Marynell

Anonymous said...

My own Ruthless Dictator pulled the "feed me" incessantly at that age. We assumed it was part of our parental training program, and it prepared us nicely for his latest trick which is refusing to walk and demanding to be carried. I agree with previous posters that if I cant get my david fix by 7am CST I am bereft.

Anonymous said...

Mason-Kate is the same way with the whole "eh!" thing...drives me crazy! I just sit there saying to her "say please" and she just stares right back at me and shouts "eh!" again! We were and still are on to her and the foster family...we know she was well taken care of and spoiled just a tad...I suppose that is just part of their "spicey" side! Enjoy that little man...he is a cutie!
Beth Drafts

Unknown said...

I think the non-self-feeding might be something in the culture in general? My parents and overseas relatives were amazed that Amanda could feed herself as a baby/toddler.

Lao Lao and Lao Ye said...

Thanks for the fix - I agree, the blog is how I start (and, I confess, end) my day!!!

OK - Super Nanny, works for us. We wouldn't want John Henry Neuffer to be the only infamous TV personality in the family!

Great Uncle Rog said...

Add my name to the list of thank youees, poor instructor from Jersey in a class I had today had to sit through my "David" presentation.
Thought it was only fair.
If I remember correctly (and I'm sure Kevin can verify this), Kari was quite the hitter too. So he'll either be a great bartender, friend, child, employee or sibling. Let's just hope he can cook too!
Forget the tape player, bring me some of that sugar on a stick.

Unknown said...

I prefer the term "Sorry-if-you-are-jealous-that-you-

And I outgrew that phase last year...briefly.