An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Monday, May 12, 2008


We are safe and sound after the earthquake this afternoon. The epicenter was far enough away that the only thing that happened here was some shower curtains rattling. We were actually enjoying a nap and slept right through it. Chongqing was hit hard. We heard that several children died when a school collapsed. We feel very fortunate that we were safe here. One of the members of our travel group called our guide from Chongqing Sophie, and she's fine as well.

This morning we went to a clinic for David's mandatory medical exam. I think the purpose is to make sure he's not running around with raging tuberculosis or bird flu or something. (It is entirely possible that we all caught worse than that during our time there.) It was an absolute madhouse. Nothing makes for a happy toddler like chaos and people in white coats and masks. The exam was pretty much a joke. David has some molluscum, which are bumps on the skin caused by a virus, totally benign and no treatment required. The doctors at the clinic had no idea what it was, and I had to explain to them through our guide. We're happy it's over, and that we're one more step closer to home.

This afternoon while I filled out the necessary paperwork for the consulate, David took a long nap with Kevin. He woke up refreshed and ready to throw down some Cantonese dinner. He ate nonstop from the time we sat down--steamed egg, green beans, brocolli, eggplant, rice. We followed up dinner with some ice cream. Because we are good parents, we have already discovered that David likes chocolate donuts, banana bread, oreos, pizza and now ice cream. All that in only a week.

Tai chi in the park

Kevin and David in the park
First ice cream cone


Lao Lao and Lao Ye said...

We are all happy to hear that you all are safe!

Looks like a trip to Oberweiss (sp?) might be in order for David! I wonder what he'll thing of a Chicago hot dog?

Mom/Lisa/Lao Lao

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're all okay. Your blog was the first place I went to after I found out about the earthquake.

Great pics - keep em comin'!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear y'all are fine. David just gets cuter and cuter. Watch out with the ice cream, though. He'll end up like Peyton, who, if he even catches a glimpse of an ice cream container, just starts licking his lips and going "mmmmmm...."

Anonymous said...

FINALLY...I am able to comment..I had to undo some sort of firewall on my work computer...they make things so hard :) I am happy to hear everyone is ok after the shake rattle and roll this morning. Thanks for calling on Mother's Day, Grandma is just so impressed that you can call all the way from China, you should have seen her playing with your Mom's new digital camera...that is going to be fun for quite some time :) Enjoy the rest of your time there, can't wait to meet the little man!!!! See you guys soon, Love, Kari

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you are all safe. Looks like Kevin will have competition in the ice cream department.

Lao Lao and Lao Ye said...

What a difference a week makes! The look on David's face is much more relaxed and happy! On the other hand, has it just been a week?

See y'all Friday!

SC Parental G-mother :)

Dad and Mom M said...

Happy to know that you are all okay.

Great Grandma will be happy to have another reason to stock up on ice cream!

Nai Nai

Dad and Mom M said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you are all safe. Wish the same was true for the rest of the country.
The first 3 folks I saw at the office this AM (Kathy, Steve, Cher) all had the same basic question, "I heard about the earthquake in everyone OK ?"
Moving on.........I predict whoever has the Kleenex concession stand at the O'Hare International terminal is going to have a BANNER day on Friday!!
Dad, Rich, Grandpa

Unknown said...

So relieved that you all are safe... I just read the death toll is up to 8,500 people?!

Thanks for the updates! David looks so happy-- what a cutie!

kim said...

Glad you are, found your blog by "googling" earthquake near Dianjiang to get info--SO strange. We adopted a little boy from DJ 6 months ago, and our experience was VERY MUCH like yours has been so far from what I can tell from your posts--little emporer, mad face, initial reactions, etc. What joy!
Congratulations! When you're home and settled it would be so fun to chat!

Anonymous said...

So glad you could let us know you were all okay! Off to tell Will,
Love, K

Anonymous said...

Glad that all is well with you guys! Sounds like David may need a taste of a Rush's cheeseburger while visiting SC :)

Anonymous said...

We are very glad that you are OK after the big earthquake. David is a real cutie, Congratulations to both of you. Happy First Mothers Day to Mara and Happy First Fathers Day to Kevin - next month!! Following your journey has been great!! Thank you for sharing. Have a safe trip home.
Love, Ron & Deb

Anonymous said...

Was curious to know if Dianjiang was affected by the earthquake after adopting Olivia from Dianjiang Social Welfare Institute in November 2003.

Happy to hear that your family and the area were safe.

Ann (for pictures of Olivia and her sister Sophia...adopted from China in 2001)

Lao Lao and Lao Ye said...


The pictures of Sophia and Olivia are beautiful!

Thanks for sharing with us!

Mara's Mom