I never expected completely flipping David's days to nights and nights to days in an environment that is totally foreign to him to go smoothly, but he is taking sleep deprivation to a new level. For the first 3 nights home, he's only managed 2-4 hours of sleep a night. He's done a little better with naps, but he's still way behind on sleep. He went down relatively easy tonight, and we're really hoping this will be the night he'll start to catch up. The poor little man is exhausted.
We got super fantastic news at our appointment with the plastic surgeon today. Kevin and I had not been able to find the cleft in David's palate, not that we'd taken a tongue depressor and really searched, but after 2 weeks you'd think we would have seen something. The only thing we noticed (Kevin pointed it out first) was a little notch along his right upper gum line. Well after a thorough inspection of his palate this afternoon, our surgeon says he has a cleft at the gum line but the rest of the palate is not involved. The cleft would have been more noticeable prior to his lip repair, but because the overlying muscles were pulled together at that time, it now looks like a little divot. What all that means is that he likely will not need surgery until he's closer to school age. At that time they'll have to do a bone graft to close the cleft, but that's actually not as difficult a surgery as the initial cleft repair we were expecting this summer, not to mention the fact that he'll be old enough to understand. We'll follow up in 3-4 months, at which point they will reevaluate his palate function (mostly his ability to make certain sounds), but that's it for now. We are so grateful that he won't have to go through that painful procedure and that we can devote the rest of my maternity leave to his adjustment. Hurray!
Picture of a very tired boy
Hope everyone slept well and long last night!
Your news of no surgery for now is fantastic! I'm so glad that you can just enjoy this time (and adjust) without interuption for now. As for the sleep, it's tough but will get better! The dogs sound like they're perfectly normal also! Enjoy every minute-Mn
I was so happy to see new info on the blog today - was missing my 'David' fix. Great news about the surgery. David's sleeping pattern will adjust in time and you and Kevin get to enjoy the sleep deprivation common to all new parents - sorry, not funny, but I couldn't resist. Katie slept about 5 full nights in the first two years of her life.
Love to all,
I'm so excited to hear that there will be no surgery this summer! That's so awesome. Ya'll are going to have a fabulous summer.
Haley just asked to see David walking. We will be viewing one of your videos momentarily ;)
Great News about the surgery. Getting surgeons to not recommend surgery is very telling.
YEH!!!!! Now he has time to be old enough to "milk it" for all it's worth. I heard from your mom t, he slep 9 hours. Big step for everyone.
Maybe when yall come, we can have a party around Bubba Sue. She just loves little kids.
Love you, Great Aunt Judy
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