An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Friday, May 23, 2008

Posting to appease the grandparents

All is still well chez Maas. David had his first appointment with his pediatrician yesterday. He weighed in at 20 pounds 14 ounces (5th percentile) and was 29.5 inches long (10th percentile). He had a lot of blood drawn, but the nurse could not have done a better job. They got everything they needed with just one stick. No shots yesterday. There were a few immunizations he received in China that, despite an English translation, we still don't know what they are. Once that's done (one of the physicians in the practice speaks/reads Mandarin) and once we decide whether to completely reimmunize (a lot of people recommend not counting any of the shots he got in China for a number of reasons), we'll figure out what he needs and go back for some shots.
David's focus remains almost 100% on walking, and he's very very close. He has only a passing interest in toys and books right now. If he had his way, we would spend every waking hour walking with him holding on to our fingers. He's requiring less and less support and has even taken a couple of very shaky steps on his own. He's been using his little wagon and his school bus for support sometimes, too, so thanks to Tracey, Katie, Charmaine and Nate for giving our backs a break if only for a little while.
We got an email from the Heath family who travelled with us to China. Marsha and Paul have two beautiful daughters, Rebekah (10) and Emily (8), and now a son Jackson (4). Marsha said she showed Jackson a picture of David on our blog, and he kissed the computer screen. When she asked him who that was, he said "achoo!" I thought that story was too sweet not to share.
David with his dogs. David flopping over his toy school bus for no apparent reason.


Anonymous said...

Love the shirt and the sneeze is quite humorous! Mason-Kate just started walking solo and still prefers the finger hold method if she is wanting to get around fast. Glad all is going well.

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