We got to go with him the first day, so yesterday was the moment of truth. He alternated between being mad that he couldn't go to school the second he was done with breakfast (he's in afternoon preschool) to telling me he was scared and didn't want to go. His class starts the day on the playground, and as soon as he caught sight of it, he ran full speed away from me. I actually had to hunt him down to tell him good-bye. So now we know, sandbox > separation anxiety. When I picked him up he would not stop talking about his day. Once I got the run down, he called Kevin at work and had a very animated conversation with him about school. He told me today when I picked him up, "I like preschool WERY much!"
As for the other events chez Maas this week, we have flights booked for China. We're flying direct both ways this time (one of the few times I am grateful to be so close to O'Hare), so hopefully we can avoid the travel debacle we had on our return trip last time. (I have just guaranteed an even worse trip home for us.) We leave October 27 and return November 11. We'll be getting there a day early to give David more time to adjust to the time change and allow for a little extra sight seeing in Beijing. I can't wait to see what David thinks of China. Gotcha Day is not set yet but is most likely November 1. It could also be Halloween, which would be kind of fun since David's is Cinco de Mayo. Now we're just waiting for the dog sitter to arrange his flights, and we're set.
YAY! So you get to do Beijing after all! I'm so glad things are getting ironed out finally! Very excited for you guys. Totally planning to live vicariously thru your pictures, so blog often... since you'll have absolutely nothing else going on! ;)
Congrats again Maas Family! Have a great trip and godspeed!!
(that blessing wards off travel snaffus, I'm sure)
Hopefully we are not too far behind you! Can't wait to see your two little boys together. Boys are sooo much fun! Our two are the best of pals and I wouldn't change that for anything! Congratulations!
What a big kid he is now. And may I just say that whoever decided that the preschoolers should start their day on the playground was definitely a genious. What a great way to eliminate most separation anxiety. And I definitely approve of wearing a Gamecocks tshirt on the first day of school;)
The picture of Kevin and David is too cute!
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