We completed our fifth consecutive weekend of not sleeping in our own beds this past weekend with a trip to North Carolina. After getting in a little before 1am, we rolled out of bed and headed to breakfast with a couple of my college friends, Erin and Susan plus Susan's husband Peter and their super cute 2 year old, Jack. We were so happy it worked out that we could see them while we were in town.
Jack and David staring each other down post-breakfast
After breakfast, we swung by the Duke campus for a little brainwashing. We strolled the gardens, saw the chapel, bought a basketball jersey and shorts and enjoyed some Loco Pops (fancy popsicles) on the Bryan Center walkway. If the kid decides to go to U of I, it's not because I'm not trying.
David in his new Duke ensemble in the book store, the boys enjoying popsicles in the newish fancy pants covered swings on the BC walkway (Is that what my tuition was paying for?...and if so, two thumbs up. They're awesome!)

Saturday afternoon, we took a little drive to visit the Heath family. Those of you who have been on board since the beginning will recall that the Heaths travelled to China with us to adopt their son at the same time we were adopting David. It is always so much fun to see them and see how big Rebekah, Emily and Jackson have gotten. David had so much fun playing with all of them and even slept on the bottom bunk in Jackson's room that night. Thanks so much to Marsha and Paul for hosting us and feeding us so well! We had a great time.

Saturday afternoon, we took a little drive to visit the Heath family. Those of you who have been on board since the beginning will recall that the Heaths travelled to China with us to adopt their son at the same time we were adopting David. It is always so much fun to see them and see how big Rebekah, Emily and Jackson have gotten. David had so much fun playing with all of them and even slept on the bottom bunk in Jackson's room that night. Thanks so much to Marsha and Paul for hosting us and feeding us so well! We had a great time.
David looking for a head injury on Jackson's 4 wheeler. Once he discovered Jackson's cowboy costume, he wore it for about 24 hours straight.

David and Jackson taking a break from their pursuit of broken bones on the trampoline and enjoying some MarioKart.

The new camera is on its way, so hopefully by the next time I post we'll have some non-cell phone pictures for your enjoyment.
The only other news here is that we have confirmed Max's Gotcha Day will be November 1. The countdown can officially begin!
November 1 - All Saint's Day - what a grand day to "Gotcha" Max!
GREAT NEWS is right !! Only 37 days 'til "Gotcha Day "
I love the 4 wheeling cowboy look...who needs a horse? :)
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