This morning I got an email from Ann at Red Thread. She helped us send Max his birthday care package and had promised to try to get pictures if possible. Not only did we receive bunches of pictures (the best of which are below), we got a 20 second video as well. They sang to him and let him cut the much as any kid at age 1 can cut his own birthday cake. The last picture of him with icing on his face looks staged if you ask me but cute none the less. Sorry to keep you waiting all day, Mom, but we wanted David to see these before we sent them out to all of cyberspace.
And here is a little video they took. Of note, he is way ahead of David in terms of self help skills already. Watch as he tries to eat whatever is in his little hand.
TOTALLY cool!!! Happy belated birthday, Max!!!! Love, Jennifer, Kevin, Haley, and Kendall
That is so exciting!
Too cute!
How cool is this ! Happy Birthday Max !!
Love, Grandpa
He is so absolutely precious Mara! I hope Gotcha day gets here soon and I can't wait to meet him at Thanksgiving, fingers crossed! Happy Belated Birthday Max!!!
love, Alexa (and my crew!)
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