David's after we got home that night and the following morning

Friday evening we packed up and headed out to Galena for some family fun. We met the rest of Kevin's immediate family there. I ruined everything by forgetting the camera. Except that I didn't forget it. It was in my purse. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this until this morning, so the weekend was not well photographed.
We had a lot of fun. We celebrated Grandpa's birthday. We went "alpine sledding" at Chestnut Mountain resort. In the winter they have skiing there (yes, skiing in the Midwest). In the summer, the put giant slides on one of the ski hills, and you can roll down on a little sled with wheels and then take the ski lift back up. The setting is really beautiful, right on the Mississippi. Afterwards, we had a yummy lunch there with beautiful views.
We also went swimming, and David swam a little independently for the first time. He was in his swim vest and it was only a few feet at a time, but he did it on his own and was quite pleased with himself. Saturday night, the three of us "camped" in Kevin's new tent in the yard. I didn't think we would make it more than a couple of hours, but David slept all the way to 7:30, which is miraculous in a much more comfortable setting. Perhaps we should have him sleep in a tent every night.
View of the Mississippi as seen through my phone (still didn't realize I had the camera at this point)

David so exhausted by the whole experience that even Veggie Tales couldn't keep him awake
Fun is right. THANKS to all involved for making this a memorable weekend. David remains Fishing Champ, while Uncle Dave is family Croquette Champ.
Uncle Dave is definitely the family croquette champion, as well as the champion of many other fried things. Better get on that P90X, Uncle Dave!
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