An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Lord is risen. The camera is dead.

David has been a little out of sorts this week--possibly because he has a cold, possibly because he is cutting two molars, possibly because he is working on his 2 year attitude or, most likely, some combination of those and a few other factors. That being said, even a grumpy David is more easy going than your average 2 year old. He got a lot of quality time with Sabrina, who was on spring break this week, including a trip to an indoor water park. She brought one of her balls over, and it made it 5 full days at our house before Snoopy punctured it, which has to be a record.
David lounging at the water park

Yesterday while I worked, Kevin and David took the "L" downtown to the Art Institute, which David apparently enjoyed. He took a particular interest to a statue of Buddha and even pointed out his butt. He is truly a critic of fine art. In the afternoon, we were lucky enough to be visited by the Januszes (is that the plural of Janusz?) plus Adam. It was great to see them, and David had a lot of fun playing with Amanda.
David with Buddha inside and with Kevin outside the Art Institute

David and Amanda. The Januszes and the Maases. 605 S. 5th St. mini-reunion (Kevin, Adam, Allen and the kids)

We had a lovely Easter today. David was very excited about the kiddie laptop the Easter bunny brought him. He opened his first plastic egg and could not have been more pleased about the peanut butter cup inside. Then Kevin told him that the Easter bunny had hidden some eggs in the living room and dining room that looked like the ones in his basket. Miraculously, Snoopy only got to one egg before David did. When he spotted the first one, he looked at it then checked the eggs in his basket to confirm that this was, in fact, the correct type of egg; and only then did he pick it up. Later as he was stuffing his mouth with the contents of the plastic eggs, he picked up one and shook it. Kevin asked him what was in the egg, and he replied "breakfast." Breakfast indeed. We went to church at 10:30. David and I spent as much time in the car eating goldfish as we did in church, but we did manage to make it through the service without biting the priest or making her eat off the floor, so overall I would have to say it was a success. After David's afternoon nap, we headed for Great Grandma Lil's house where we were fed an obscene amount of food. I really think Kevin's family eats more at Easter than at Thanksgiving. It is completely out of control, and David thoroughly enjoyed it. On the way out, Kevin dropped our camera, which was only hanging on by a thread. It is now officially deceased, so pictures for the next week or two might be few and far between. Never fear. We have big plans two weeks from now, so we'll be up and running again by then. (And I think any of you who know realize that it is entirely possible that Kevin will have impulse-bought a new camera before I publish this post.)
The egg hunt
Four generations: Kevin with his mom, grandma and David

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you guys heading to NC for a reunion? It is coming up soon! Can't wait to see pics. I was just looking at David and noticing that he is losing that "baby" is MK...kind of sad. Can't wait to hear big news?!