An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back in action

We had a busy week and weekend, which included a camera purchase, so we are up and running once again. Kevin was in Anaheim Monday through Friday for work, so David and I were on our own all week. Naturally, for the first time in almost 17 years of owning a Saturn, mine decided not to start Tuesday night--my late night at work when Kevin is thousands of miles away and poor Alma is already working 2 hours later than normal to help us out. We couldn't even jump it. Our receptionist Nancy lives close to the office and graciously offered me her car for the night. I can't thank Nancy enough. It allowed me to get home on time in spite of the car debacle. I had my car towed the following morning and it was ready by the time I was done at work. Thank you also to Karen who drove me to pick my car up Wednesday afternoon. And, for any one out there who is curious, it was a broken ignition switch. Other than my car fiasco and David flat out refusing to sleep in his crib Tuesday night, our week sans Kevin went pretty smoothly, but we were both very happy to see him Friday afternoon.
We celebrated Kevin's return with a family walk. We took David's Radio Flyer car, hoping he would ride longer in the car than he does in the stroller, but half way in to our almost 2 mile walk, he decided he wanted out. This prolonged the walk considerably, which was fine with David and the dogs (and really with me, too) but was less fun for Kevin who was in charge of our two poorly behaved beasts. At least we all got our exercise. After the walk, we played outside with some of the neighbors and then hit Oberweis for some delicious ice cream.
Yesterday we finally applied for David's passport. As usual, he was very good and patient, even when it took about a dozen tries to get a passport picture with him looking directly at the camera. We don't have any immediate plans to leave the country, but we'll be glad to have that done with when the need does arise. Plus it means no more dragging his birth certificate with us whenever we fly. We went to Best Buy and made the big camera purchase after that so that Kevin could take pictures at the afternoon's big event: David's first Cubs game with Kevin, David's godfather Steve and a couple of their friends. On account of David napping and Kevin watching the Bulls playoff game, they got there a little late but still managed to catch 9 full innings of baseball because the game went in to extra innings. And David sat through the whole thing. They didn't leave their seats once. Most adults can't manage that for 9 innings.
David at the Friendly Confines. Steve, David and Kevin at the game.
Today we ran a few errands and got in another visit with Steve, and this time it was at Allan's place, which means Linus the beagle was there. Poor old Linus lives a happy quiet life with Allan. I'm sure he wants nothing to do with a running, jumping, yelling 2 year old who wants to pet him constantly and follow him wherever he goes, but Linus is very very tolerant.
David and Steve. David and sweet little Linus.
It is past my bedtime, and we have a busy week ahead getting ready to head to NC to visit lots of friends and getting the house ready for dog sitter and uncle extraordinaire Dave. That's right. We're cashing in our Christmas gift from Dave, and he's watching the house and two bad dogs this weekend while we're away. Wish him luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ask David to share his patience. MK has a hard time making it through her brothers one hour baseball games so I am sure a pro ballgame would be out of the question for her. Have fun in NC!