An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super David Sunday

Today we celebrated David's second birthday with a trip to Shedd Aquarium and the biggest football game of the year, perfect for a boy who loves football. We've actually been celebrating all weekend with his LaBorde grandparents in town. I'll post all the details and pictures once we get through jury duty and David's surgery follow up tomorrow, but for now, here's his birthday slideshow with some of our favorite pictures since Gotcha Day.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday David!
Love, Mason-Kate

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! Seeing all those smiles choked me up. What a blessing he has been to your family and what a blessing you have been to him! We thank God everyday for the Red Thread!

Anonymous said...

What a great slideshow!

Alexa said...

Mara that was awesome! What a sweet idea! He has grown and changed so much since coming home! Happy Birthday sweet David! We're glad to have you in our lives!

Alexa, Jeff, and Braedan