Since last I posted, here's what we've been up to...
- David had his 2 year check up. He weighed in at 27 pounds (25th percentile) and is 32 1/4 inches long (5th-10th percentile). We were not surprised to learn that he is healthy and developing normally.
- I attempted to cut his hair a week ago thinking it might be less traumatic if I did it at home, but he flailed and screamed like it was going out of style. We'll be leaving all future hair cuts to trained professionals, though I don't think I did a half bad job.
- David enjoyed play dates with the brothers Swanson (Gus and Eli) and with his cousins, Lauren and Grace. He also went to see his cousin Melanie compete in a gymnastics meet at Navy Pier with Kevin while I worked on Saturday.
- While David enjoyed his time with Lauren and Grace, I stayed home vomiting. I'd like to thank all the parents who rush their children into the office after two episodes of vomiting for sharing that with me. I am now fully recovered but considering wearing a biohazard suit to work from now on.
- We had a break in the frigid weather for a few days, even making it into the 60s on Tuesday which threatened the record high set in 1876. This means in just 133 years, we should expect similar pleasant weather in February. Fiona declared that it is summer, and David reaffirmed his love of the outdoors. (He has been chanting "outside outside outside" all week.) There are going to be some very disappointed children this weekend when it's back to the freezing cold and snow.
- Kevin travelled to Ohio this week on business. It was apparently incredibly windy and took several passes before his flight could land in Columbus. Several passengers threw up, including the man next to Kevin. Fun. We are happy to report that he is now home safely.
- While perusing the blog of David's orphanage mate, Mason-Kate, I found a site for families considering special needs adoption. It's I decided to submit our story, so we'll see if we show up there in the next couple of days.
David refusing to sit with Kevin on the ferris wheel at Navy Pier
David with Lauren and Grace
David insisting on wearing Kevin's Bulls hat
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