As the dance compilation video below demonstrates, David enjoys a wide variety of music and fashion. He loves his "Veggie Tales Sing the 70s" cd, but nothing beats Beyonce's "Single Ladies." Sometimes even when there's no music on, he'll start dancing and singing the oh-oh-oh's to himself. We're still working on capturing the singing at its best on video.
This weekend David has also been enamoured with his Cocky hat and has insisted on wearing it for most of his waking hours. He also demanded that I wear my winter hat pretty much all day Saturday.
Insomnia does have its benefits when there is new David video to watch...I love how "interested" Pete and Snoopy are!
Awesome. Love the dance moves!
Wow! He's got some serious dance moves! Kevin needs to take him clubbing. Could you get Kevin to dance on video too? Seriously though, I loved it! I have to get Marsha and the kids to view funny. We are very happy he is doing so well.
Beyonce look out! Theres a new back up singer & dancer ready to join... He made the whole family laugh!!Efren couldn't stop. He is a little character and those dogs are just so immune to him. Look out everyone young David is totally back.... Welcome back!!
see you Josy
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