An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Friday, January 16, 2009

David and the no good awful very bad day

David had outpatient surgery today to correct a problem unrelated to his cleft. I assume that the David of the future will want very few details about this surgery on the internet, so I will leave that between him and his urologist. What I can tell you is that David did great. We left for the hospital around 7:00. We took a monkey, a bear, several cars and part of his train set with us, all of which provided him comfort at some time or another. He had a pretty good time playing in the pre-op area. I was expecting more issues with the no food or drink, but he didn't get grumpy until the very end. He went back to the OR around 9:45. As I had anticipated, this was by far the hardest part of the day. I knew he was in good hands and that the surgery would go well. I can do post-op wound care and pain meds and catheters, but those few minutes that I knew he was awake and scared without me were the worst. The surgery lasted a little more than 3 hours plus some extra time for the anesthesiologist to do a caudal block for some pain relief. When he was all done, they took us to the PACU where he was groggy and fussy. After singing "The Wheels on the Bus" and some "Old McDonald" and letting him hold his train, he calmed down and perked up enough to drink some water. We were told to expect a few rough days even with pain medication and that he might be very weak and have trouble walking tonight from the caudal block. We made it home around 3:00, and by 4:30 David was running laps through the house, doing face plants onto the couch and jumping around like the monkey he is. We'll see what the next few days hold, but so far so good.
David hunting MRSA under his crib and in the sink in our pre-op room.
Asleep in the car on the way home
Stay tuned for video of David before and after surgery...


Anonymous said...

Glad that it all went well!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Maas,
We thought of you and Kevin all day and we were thrilled to hear that all went well.

Unknown said...

Super news! We are relieved to hear your monkey is doing well, Marsha the kids and I had you all in our prayers. Jackson sends David a special Chinese shout out but what he said and what it means, well I have no idea. We talk of you guys daily and enjoy your blog. I've been bad and go to many days to update ours. Take care, we know David is in excellent hands, you and Kevin are pros with him from day one on gotcha day back at the Civil Affairs Office. Hugs and prayers, the Heaths