An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Saturday, June 5, 2010


So I recently learned that since our last trip to China, the Chinese government has seen fit to block blogger.  So while we're there adopting Max, we won't be able to access our blog.  We can, however, e-mail posts that will be published.  Just giving it a try now.
To make this worth your while, I will tell you that David has been pretending to call Max on the phone recently completely unprompted.  It's so cute.  When we ask how Max is doing, he always says, "Not good."  Hope he's wrong on that one.
Also this morning, Kevin asked me to come down to the basement to admire the cleaning he did last night.  David piped in, "And then I make mess again!"  Oh brother.


The Heath's said...

We can't wait to follow your journey to Max and also to see you all in September.

Life in Green-Land said...

I need to do the same thing & test an email post. I know you are supposed to be able to attach pics, but I don't know how it will arrange them on the blog. Frustratingly though, we still have plenty of time to figure all that out! ;)
I read another blog that said when they were in China, they couldn't even post thru email. So, they had a friend post the emails for them. I will prob have a plan in place for this too... I'll type the drafts, save it, and then have my sister log in and publish for me... aah, the things obsessive paper-pregnant mommies think about!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I have lost your new email! Email me at if you have a minute. Are you guys using the same agency again? That was a big decision for us this time around. We are waiting for our HS to be finalized and hope to be DTC in October but every day that goes by I begin to wonder if that will ever happen!!! Painful!