An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Friday, February 5, 2010

David's birthday weekend

Here are some pictures from David's birthday weekend festivities. My parents flew in to partake in the madness. We had a party at Monkey Island (a kiddie bounce place) on Sunday. I think it was a success--not too crowded, lots of things to do/climb/jump on, pizza and chocolate cake.
Kevin and I took the day off on David's birthday Monday. We went to the Museum of Science and Industry and the Hot Doug's for lunch. After David's nap, he opened presents and then had a meltdown.
I am very proud of my baseball glove cake and baseball cupcakes

David at Monkey Island

Enjoying his new hockey helmet and driving a combine at MSI with 'Ramma
Giving me the stink eye and stuffing his face at Hot Doug's
Playing with his new hoop. At the Bulls game Tuesday night with Uncle Dave.
A special thanks to guest photographer Grandpa who contributed to this post.


The Heath's said...

Great pictures! You did an awesome job on the cake Mara. Glad David had a happy day. I also love his face in the picture with the corn dog. Priceless. :)

Anonymous said...

Ryan and I both got a kick out of the "stink eye" pic. We know another little one who can give a little stink eye of her cute though. Happy 3 years old to David!

Kari Sroka said...

I am glad he had such a great birthday week!!!!
Sounds like a ton of fun...
I know he doesn't care for me much, but at least I have never gotten the "stink eye"!!!! That's brutal!