The next night Kevin and David went to a Bulls preseason game. This was not David's first Bulls game, but it was the first time he wore the Jordan jersey I bought for Kevin as a wedding present without crying and screaming.
Matching father and son hockey sweaters. David ready for bed still in his jersey and taking in the Bulls game.
On Wednesday night we hung out chez Derdozo. This is nothing new, but the picture below does mark baby Finn's first (of many) appearances on our blog. David and Evie had a great time. They spent most of dinner time running in circles and tackling each other. Please note, after poop removal, David is back in his Blackhawks jersey.
Thursday afternoon we flew out to SC, and Friday morning we took our first family trip to a national park. Congaree National Park is just 25 minutes from my parents' house. We took a beautiful walk around the 2.5 mile boardwalk. David, who insists on walking whenever we are in a hurry at the airport, refused to let his feet hit the ground the entire time we were there. We learned that the forest there has the tallest canopy (130 ft.) of any deciduous forest in the world. Who knew? (I mean, besides my dad.)
Various shots of me lugging David around, though Kevin did most of the carrying, including David shooting the camera man with 'Ramma's mini-flashlight.
The boardwalk and surrounding loveliness. Cyprus knees.
Saturday, Kevin and David got to experience their first state fair. We rode rides, ate large quantities of fried foods and checked out the animals. We are very much looking forward to our next trip to the fair when David should be taller than 36 inches, which will open up a whole new world of rides.
That's right. Deep fried Pepsi. Of course, Kevin had to get some. The second picture is David taking a bite. Next time we're sticking with elephant ears.
Saturday afternoon we went to a get together with a bunch of my friends from growing up, graciously hosted by Alexa. We used to be the kids. Now we have the kids. It was a really good time and so much fun to see everyone there. Many thanks to Alexa for letting us take over her house.
David refused a nap after the fair, fell asleep in the car on the way to Alexa's and was completely out for the first hour we were there despite children climbing on and around him and making lots of noise. The girls and our children. David and his buddy Braeden.

David has really taken to telling people that he loves them recently. Sometimes he grabs my head, says "I love you mommy!" and then kisses me over and over. It's very sweet, but he does the same thing with his new stuffed monkey he got from Nahnee and 'Ramma. He was having pretty extensive conversations with the monkey on our flight home, asking him if he wanted to come home with us, asking if his belly hurt and rubbing it for him. Right now George the monkey and David are ready to watch the Bears with Kevin downstairs.
gosh, i haven't been to the sc fair in YEARS! in fact, not since high school. what a shame.
funny story about congaree (well, not funny at the time, but now it is) -- i went running there once and ended up being chased by wild boar! i was double-timing it, big time.
Wow, I am amazed that you got all of that documented so quickly! I hope David's head has healed from that very vigorous hug!!! I'm sorry I laughed so hard! Too bad we weren't taking pics then. That is a great group pic. David does look like he is warding off intruders!
Great to see you guys. I'm looking forward to Christmas time!
I am pretty intrigued by this fried I just love that David is such a sports fan! I guess he'd have to be growing up with Kevin...I am pretty jealous that he will be willed Bears Season Tickets! Thanks for keeping us informed about all of David's adventures, he seems to have such a great time all the time!
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