He is talking like crazy. We now get a play by play of every thing that is and is not going on around us. If he sees someone with a hat, he tells us. He then points to every other person around and tells us if they are or are not wearing a hat. Every airplane he sees is going to Nahnee's house to play choo choo, and any time we bring him inside he demands that he not be forced to nap against his will. "No nap no nap no nap no nap!"
He is obsessed with driving. It is impossible to go anywhere now without him insisting that he sit in the front seat and "dwive." He genuinely does not understand why the car won't go when he's at the wheel.
He is Kevin's son through and through. He loves sports. All sports. Sometimes we'll go down in to the basement, and he'll say "tv on...baseball." And if I turn on Sportscenter for him, he'll jump up and down and shout at the highlights. He even yelled "Go Blackhawks!" when he saw Stanley Cup highlights the other day. Never mind that it was the Penguins and the Redwings, he knew it was hockey and that he's supposed to cheer for the Blackhawks. He started his parent and tot sports class with Kevin Tuesday night. It was football week. David will now put his arm up in the air like a place kicker and run up and kick the football. He'll also hold it with one finger for Kevin. While I worked yesterday, Kevin and David went to the toy store and got a street hockey set that David loves. He is currently sleeping with one of the hockey sticks. They took it to Lil's house and had a great time. David kept insisting that Great Grandma Lil play with him.
We started our Mandarin class at Language Stars Friday morning. David was a little apprehensive for the first few minutes. He looked at me several times like I must be a crazy fool to bring him to a place where he can't understand a thing, but by the second activity he was actually repeating words and phrases after the teacher and seemed to enjoy himself. I was pretty impressed to see how much some of the other kids in his class who had been in the program for a while knew. One of the moms there told me that David was doing great for his first class. I wasn't quite sure what to make of that since her son spent about 80% of the time having a complete meltdown. At any rate, I can now count to 10 in Mandarin, and I know the words for ball, star and water. If I can pick up that much in one hour, I can only imagine how much David's little brain that is still wired to learn language will absorb. Pretty neat.
Friday night we went downtown to Blues Fest. We listened to the music for a relatively short time. David was mostly interested in the food (he devoured some shrimp and vegetable tempura) and getting back on the choo choo to go home. We capped of the night with ice cream at Oberweis.
This morning we went to Lincoln Park zoo with our friend Nickie. There was no construction equipment, so David was forced to look at the animals. He really like the monkeys and the farm. He also really liked eating. This afternoon we went to Fiona's birthday party at My Gym, which is essentially a room filled with balls and toys and climbing stuff where kids can run around like maniacs. David loved it.
Playing hockey with great grandma. Blues Fest with Kevin. Millennium Park with me.
At the zoo with Nickie. David at My Gym (with Fiona in the middle picture).
Action shot. Fiona in a sugar coma.
That swing of his is serious!
Are the pillows to protect the table or David? I think that some of those breakables might become hockey fodder :)
If Lao Lao and Lao Ye are going to have to keep up with this schedule in August, we better go to bed now and sleep until the beach.
Love to everyone,
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