I'm sure there are several more cold days in our future before warm weather is here to stay, but we enjoyed a mild, sunny weekend. We went to (everyone say it together...) the zoo yesterday. The earlier sunrise has thrown off David's sleep schedule, and he's been up by about 5:45 every morning this week, so by the time the zoo opened he was already exhausted. The highlights of the trip for him were primarily non-animal related including the construction equipment working on the new bear habitat, eating gross zoo nachos, playing on two of Brookfield's playgrounds and riding the carousel. By the time we left around noon, he was falling asleep on my shoulder.
Today we hit downtown post-nap. We took the L, and David was very excited about his ride on the choo choo. We went to Millennium Park first, where David sprinted randomly from place to place, kicked his soccer ball around and stopped long enough for his new favorite snack--a Fiber One bar. I'm beginning to think we're going to have to enter him in a 12 step program for those things. He would have them at every meal and snack if we let him, and sometimes "bar!" is the first thing out of his mouth when he wakes up. After Millennium Park, we walked along the lake front for a while and then dined at Buckingham Fountain. Then we headed back to the L. It's amazing how long a 4 block walk takes with a meandering two year old who refuses to be carried.
Action shots from Millennium Park
Flowering tree in Millennium Park. David and Kevin and Buckingham Fountain. David begging for ice cream with a mouth full of chips.
What a wonderful way to bring year one to a close - a trip to the zoo, dirt moving equipment, a ride on the choo choo, ice cream, Spring weather, flowers, and a walk in the park!
SC Grandparents
I'm glad you're getting some warm weather ;) Also glad to hear that David is doing so well with his eating habits - hopefully, he'll be ready for the all important hot dog eating contests by the time he's in elementary school. Love, Jennifer
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