An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Saturday, October 4, 2008

David's first febrile illness

David is celebrating a beautiful autumn weekend with fever (up to an impressive 105 yesterday), diarrhea and what we believe is a wicked sore throat. I haven't been able to get a good look in his mouth, but he is refusing to swallow his own saliva about 90% of the time and cries whenever he tries to swallow solids. He is a sad little boy and has been crying in his sleep literally every 20 minutes or so. He's also a trooper and did manage to get some quality play time in as well as a family walk. This consists of me pushing David in the stroller at top speed while Kevin is dragged by the dogs. There probably won't be much in the way of pictures from this weekend, but our September pictures are now up for the hardcore David enthusiasts to enjoy (Mom).


Lao Lao and Lao Ye said...

New pictures to enjoy with my morning coffee and then off to church to keep the nursery!


Anonymous said...

Poor little man! Hope he feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

I hope David feels better soon. More importantly, I hope you and Kevin avoid catching diarrhea germs.

barkivist said...

Poor thing. I hope he feels better soon!!

Also, you should just make Pete and Snoopy sled dogs. Let them pull David's stroller around the block!!