Having been sick last weekend and well aware that an 8 month Chicago winter is bearing down on us, David made the most of his time this weekend. While I angered countless parents by diagnosing their children with colds and refusing to give antibiotics Saturday morning, Kevin and David went downtown. It was David's first trip on the "L," and he was so excited that he fell asleep by the second stop. They made their way to the Roosevelt stop and walked around the museum campus and played at a park until it was time to come home for a nap.
Saturday afternoon we went to our friends' Christy and Eric's house where we got to see a lot of our friends from my pediatrics residency. There was a swarm of children, and David had great time parallel playing with them. It's fun to see how far he has come. The last time we got together with this group of friends, David was barely walking. He is now walking, running, dancing, jumping and, thanks to some life lessons from the kids on our block, defending himself when someone tries to take a toy from him.
Today we followed up a disappointing Bears loss with a trip to the zoo with uncle Dave and Katie.
Pictures of the boys with the lovely Chicago skyline. David checking out a huge granite sphere in the park.

Another picture of David at the park. Snoopy and Pete living the good life.

David partying hard with his friends. (Also pictured Evie, Gus and Maya.)