An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Working Zieg

In the little known southern dialect of LaBorde, the title of this post roughly translates to "working mom." I am happy to report that everyone made it through my first official day as a working zieg. It is definitely a relief to have it over with. I don't think it will ever be easy to leave David, but I have a new peace of mind seeing how well he did today. He and Alma had lots of fun. She took him in his wagon to the sprinkle park down the street where he splashed in the water. She told me he ran around her in circles while she held one hand, which is one of his signature moves when he's having fun. He also played in our neighbor's kiddie pool with several of the other kids from the block. When I got home, he was out front riding his toy school bus. He smiled when he saw me and then kept riding. While a more enthusiastic reception would have been nice, I'm taking the fact that he wasn't clingy after I got home as a good sign. Eventually I did get a very wet kiss, and when I told him to tell Alma bye bye, he reached for me to make sure I wasn't the one who was going.
I so appreciate everyone's kindness in the days leading up to my dreaded return to the real world. I have gotten so many calls and emails, which leads me to believe that I am either very loved or very mentally unstable. Perhaps those are not mutually exclusive. Even our neighbor across the street called to see how my day went and let me know that she saw David out and about several times today and that he looked like he was having fun.
In other news since my last post, David completed his evaluation with early intervention, and the plan is to hold off on any therapies right now and re-evaluate in 3 months. He is really doing well with his speech. After less than 3 months of exposure to English, they estimate his understanding to be at about a 14 month old level and his expression at about 12 months. He was all over the place with his motor evaluation. His trunk strength and the way he struggles to sit or stand himself up put him at about a 10 month old level, while his walking is equivalent to a 15 month old and, thanks to regular play with Snoopy and Pete, his throwing and kicking skills are as good as an average 20 month old. We're supposed to try to get him to crawl and kneel to build up his core muscles. I'm not exactly sure how, but we'll give it a try.

Once again demonstrating excellent palate function, David has learned to drink from a straw.
Once again demonstrating why we should never have adopted a border collie mix, Snoopy steals David's toys for her own.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your return to work! And, I am so glad that you took a pix of David and the straw cup. MK has just started drinking with a straw and I need to get her some cups like that....with a lid!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that all is well. David is so cute, and I can't wait for him to come visit NC!

Anonymous said...

Mara, So glad to hear your first day back to work went well for both you and David. I'm picturing you and Kevin crawling around the house creating a new "game" for David. Time for sports knee pads. Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

Kevin has access to lots of cardboard. With this cardboard you could make tunnels that David could crawl through with a hide and seek type game. If David does not go for it, I am sure Snoopy would enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

How awesome that David did so well! He proved on your first day back that he feels loved and secure, which shows what an awesome job ya'll have done with him in such a short time.

Unknown said...

Hi Mara! I'm so glad to hear that you and David did so well on your first day back to work! That gives me some encouragement as I'm starting back (next week will be my first full week). I think at this point though, it'll be more an adjustment for me. Amanda won't really know the difference!

Also good to see how well he's adjusting and growing! Can't wait to meet him!