An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. --Chinese legend

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


There's not much new on the travel front. Hopefully, we'll get more information on our schedule by the end of the week. In the mean time, I thought I'd share a little information about attachment and adoption. During the months after we return home, David is going to have to learn that we are his parents, that we will meet all of his needs, that we love him and that this family is forever. It may seem like that should come naturally with little thought or effort (and hopefully that will be the case); but he has been with his birth parents, in an orphanage and with at least one foster family in his short life. Soon we'll be family #4, and life so far has given him no reason to expect this to be his final stop. In order to help him attach to us and us to him, adoption experts have some recommendations.
  • No big crowds. No passing him from person to person as soon as we hop off the plane.
  • Develop daily routines and schedules and stick to them.
  • Whenever possible, Kevin and I should feed, bathe, dress, comfort and put him to sleep.
  • Lots of one one one time. Avoid overstimulating him with too many toys.
  • There's a lot more information at for anyone who's interested.

This is not meant to be a lecture. We want everyone to come hang out and play. We can't wait for you to meet him, but if we make requests that seem strange and arbitrary, like wrestling him away from you when you try to be helpful and change a diaper, I just wanted to give everyone an idea of why.

9 days until we leave!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS once again. I am very happy for the three of you and am excited to meet the new addition to our goofy family. I know you will enjoy your time in China and wish you a very memorable and safe trip!!!


Lao Lao and Lao Ye said...

You can have all the diaper changing you want! Seriously, we want to be supportive and not hinder his, and your, transition! We are new at this, so tell it like it is!

Cannot wait!

Lao Lao

Lao Lao and Lao Ye said...

I read the information Mara suggested...Actually, I skimmed the first part. Close to the end is the important information for all - and easier to read! This is a list of recommendations we should all read and take to heart.

Sometimes what we really want to do - grab, hug, and pinch cheeks - may not be the best way to introduce ourselves to David!

I thought this grandmother gig was supposed to be easy!

Counting the days,
Lao Lao