- Application to adoption agency -- 9/15/06
- The paper chase, 6 months of compiling all the necessary documents for our dossier including birth certificates, marriage licenses, family photos, 3 sets of fingerprints and a homestudy by our favorite social worker Jacque. Everything had to be notarized, certified by the Secretary of State and verified by the Chinese consulate.
- Dossier to China (DTC) -- 3/9/07
- Log in Date (LID), the date our papers were officially placed in the system in Beijing -- 3/29/07
- Application to Waiting Child Program -- 11/19/07
- We got the call that there was a baby in China who would be a good fit for our family -- 11/30/07
- After reviewing David's medical file with adoption specialists and a plastic surgeon, we accepted the referral -- 12/17/07
- Letter of intent (LOI), a letter asking the Chinese government permission to adopt a specific child, to China -- 12/21/07
- Preliminary approval (PA) -- 1/15/08
- Letter seeking confirmation (LSC), our official approval -- 3/4/08
We are now waiting for our travel approval (TA) from Beijing so that our agency can make our appointment at the American consulate and set our official travel dates. We're hoping to leave on May 8 or 15.